Changes are possible

Our idea is not to change the people concerned according to our ideas, but to take up their visions and wishes and to work together on the change. An organizational dependence is prevented by projects that strive for the goal of helping people to help themselves.

Team Switzerland

Andrea Rubin

chairwoman of the board and project manager

I have been working with people in difficult life situations for more than 16 years.

I gained my work experience as a manager of an institution for people suffering from mental illness and addiction and by taking care of them. I also engaged in projects for development aid and humanitarian aid, which allowed me to gain further knowledge. As a coach of non-violent communication and as an educator of adults, I teach employees in institutions as well as private persons…

… to give them an understanding of the peaceful and connecting attitude of this communication model. Thanks to my specialisation in trauma management, I can now see all sorts of fates and life stories from a different perspective and use this knowledge for my work.

At the beginning of the year 2012, I got in touch with the local and state-independent aid organisation SFDC ( in Berhampur, Odisha, India. I was fascinated by their work and the relentless effort of the workers. I decided to work voluntarily for this local organisation and went back to Odisha one year later. When I returned to Switzerland after engaging in the field, I founded Hope is life together with Thomas Gentsch to give people in need a voice. During my longer stays in Odisha, I had to witness violence and massive repression of women in the rural villages. With great hope and conviction, we started our first project together with the SFDC, namely the women’s project “No violence against women”.

In June 2014, we founded Hope is life India in India. Now it is possible for us to start our own projects and to put all our heart and soul in our mission to help people in need. Working together with the foundation council members of Hope is life India, Param Singh and Anuma Sadangi, is a great gain for us.

At the end of April 2015, I travelled to Nepal to support people in the field after the heavy earthquake. The successful cooperation with the organisation Homenet Nepal encouraged me to start working also in Nepal in order to stand up for people who are given no rights and/or have been forgotten.

Jonas von Selve

board member

Good ideas should be supported. Good friends with good ideas should be supported. That’s why I get involved with people and friends with good ideas. It is absolutely great to make a contribution so that an idea can become a project. Supporting friends and people is a great honor and challenge for me.

Christian Büchi

accounting and further engagement

Hope is life makes a direct impact, there is a lot of personal commitment behind it and I like to support that with my small contribution. I think our privileged life here obliges us to pass on something and to support people who are less well off. Hope is life, I believe in that and would like to pass it on.

Anouk Hagemann


In June 2016, I graduated as a certified translator HF from the School of Applied Linguistics (SAL) in Zurich. I translate from English into German and vice versa. My volunteer work for Hope is life allows me to both deepen my knowledge and support an organization that helps people in need.

Mirjam Schenk


In 2019, I spent three unforgettable months in Nepal in the projects of Hope is Life. The sustainable help for self-help gives hope. I am happy that I can continue to support the project with my administrative work and also my friends in Nepal. Nepal and the whole Hope is Life Nepal team has simply grown on me!

Martin Nyfenegger

communication and donation

Meanwhile, I have known Andrea and some of the team for decades. It is fascinating how much can be achieved with relatively little financial means when those involved work on a voluntary basis and do not have to finance huge advertising campaigns and fundraising agencies, as is the case in large NGOs. At Hope is Life, every franc donated ends up in a local project and can do some good. That convinced me completely.

Robert Büchel

Buchhaltung und Spenden

It is an indescribable feeling to make a big difference with small things. I could experience such moments with Hope is Life many times and they are my motivation and reward at the same time to support this organization. Would you also like to support our work? We from Hope is Life would be very happy about it.

Jette Hunsperger

contact person foundations

I am impressed by the directness of the help, the closeness to the people and the real and deep conviction behind the work of Hope is Life. Grateful for the chance to contribute, I support the work from Switzerland. The support is of existential importance for the people in Nepal and India.

Julia Hälg

Godfather letters and letterdispatch

I live in a privileged position and would like to contribute to more peace and love in the world. Hope is life is worthy of support on all levels and I am happy to be able to contribute a part. Everything I give comes back to me in some form.

Thomas Kramer

adresslist, thank you cards, donations

When I heard Andrea talk about Hope is Life for the first time, I was immediately convinced to take on a sponsorship. When I was then asked if I would be interested in supporting Hope is Life privately, I couldn’t say no. Anyone who has heard Andrea talk about Hope is Life knows how much heart and soul and passion goes into all the projects and being able to do my humble bit to help bring a little more hope into the world fills me with joy

Thomas Gentsch

former board member

Thomas Gentsch passed away on April 17, 2016.

It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to our friend and Hope is life co-founder. We are deeply saddened by his death and grateful from the bottom of our hearts for his valuable, great commitment and for the wonderful time we were allowed to spend with him.

“My conviction is that every person can make a meaningful difference. That is why I am involved as a board member in the Hope is life association. The warmth and openness of the people on site as well as the wonderful personal encounters are an enrichment for me every time.”

Team India

Hope is life India wurde ins Leben gerufen, um uns für Frauen und Kinder in Not einzusetzen. Anuma Sadangi die Stiftungspräsidentin,  ist selbst in den Dörfern Orissa’s aufgewachsen und weiss aus eigener Erfahrung was Armut und Gewalt bedeutet. Zu Beginn waren wir ein kleines Team, das nun jedoch stetig wächst. Alle unsere Mitarbeiter stammen aus den Projektdörfern vor Ort. Obwohl die Armut, das Kastensystem, die verschiedenen Sprachen der Einheimischen, die fehlende Bildung und Möglichkeiten oft eine grosse Herausforderung für unser Team darstellen, sind sie stolz und froh ein Teil von Hope is life zu sein. Mit dieser Arbeit können sie zur Lebensqualität der Menschen in ihrem Dorf beitragen und können mit dem Verdienst ihre eigene Familie unterstützen.

„Hope is life schenkt Hoffnung, Empathie sowie neue Möglichkeiten, durch Nothilfe, ausgewogene Ernährung, Bildung, Gesundheit und Empowerment.“ Hope is life Team India

Team Nepal

Hope is life Nepal wurde 2016 nach einem mehrwöchigen Einsatz für die Erbebenopfer gegründet, um weitere Hilfe vor Ort leisten zu können. Samjhana Sharma die Vereinspräsidentin, setzt sich seit vielen Jahren in verschiedenen Gebieten Nepals für Frauen in Not ein. Das Hope is life Nepal Team wächst stetig. Die Mitarbeiter sind sich einig, sie wollen sich für die Menschen einsetzen, die Unterstützung und Hilfe brauchen. Für jene, die sich selbst nicht zur Wehr setzen können. Trotz den täglichen Herausforderungen, wie zum Beispiel das Lösen von Konflikten in der Dorfgemeinschaft oder das Vertrauen gewinnen der Dorfbewohner, ist dem Team die Arbeit wichtig.

„Der Spirit und das Familiengefühl das wir im Hope is life Team erleben gibt uns die Energie und Kraft täglich weiter zu machen.“

Hope is life Team Nepal

hope is life
Tobelstrasse 37
8400 Winterthur

+41 79 474 87 42