Every act counts
Hope is life is a non-profit association, which was founded through vision, friendship and hope. Through the association founded in Switzerland, the foundation Hope is life India and Hope is life Nepal were also established. Together we have the goal to support disadvantaged people and to work together towards a hopeful life. Our idea is not to change the people concerned according to our ideas, but to take up their visions and wishes and to work together on the change. An organizational dependency is prevented by projects that strive for the goal of helping people to help themselves.
Hope is life, Hope is life India and Hope is life Nepal are not affiliated with any religious or political organization. The motivation for our commitment is based on the conviction that every human being has a right to life, peace and dignity. We want to stand up for those who do not have enough food, who have to drink contaminated water and who are persecuted, mistreated and exploited without anyone caring or knowing about it.
We hope to have aroused your interest with these lines and invite you to take a closer look at our projects, as well as the picture gallery.