While working in the villages, we reconsidered our vision of a school project. We regularly had conversations with the villagers and realised that some resources are mobilised to provide education for the children. So we decided to promote and appreciate these efforts rather than undermining them. Like this, we do not start something new – we complete what is already there. From this thought arose our godparenthood project. Many children in the villages and slums of our project regions theoretically have access to schools, but the people do not have the necessary means for the monthly school costs, school uniforms, school books etc. Parents with many children often cannot afford to pay school costs for them…

…If there is enough money, the parents often send the boys to school first; the girls only follow after some time. We also find a need for financial support in families with children who are seriously ill. These children are mostly exposed to inappropriate circumstances and likely to die at a very early age.

The project

Our main focus lies on girls from poor families. We are equally interested in offering help to boys if, for example, the boy is suffering from an illness or if we realise that supporting the boy also leads to a better future for the whole family.

Before we begin with our support, we will discuss the matter intensely with the particular families. This is how we make sure that Hope is life supports children who really need to be supported. After getting to know each other, we will compile a detailed budget that gives us the possibility to calculate the school costs and the necessary school materials. The families will sign a statement of agreement which contains different requirements for them to meet in order to get the money. We will periodically visit the families, maintain contact and check if they use the money for the right purposes.

This donation gives the godchild and its family an image of a person behind this money who cares about the child and wants it to go to school.

We will inform every godfather or godmother about the current situation and the progress of the child by sending them letters and pictures. If a more personal contact is required, godfathers and godmothers can also write letters to the child. In most cases, godparents have the possibility to visit the child with the consent of Hope is life.

Project goals

1. Giving children a chance for education

The financial support of the godparents gives the child a chance to go to school.

2. Financing of books, school uniforms and further necessities

The financial support also enables the child to get the necessary school materials. Here in Ghole Tole, the uniform is an important item. If necessary, soaps, clothes and help with homework can also be financed.

3. Giving the child and its family an understanding of the meaning behind the donations

The family and the godchild understand that there is a person behind the donation who wishes for the child to go to school. This knowledge makes them more aware of their responsibility when they receive the monthly money from Hope is life.

4. Providing a better quality of living for seriously ill children

Families of serously ill children are supported in order to increase their quality of living. For example: Donations ensure medical Treatment and appropriate care, and families are accompanied during consultations.